PCCC By-Laws



As Approved 5/23/2022


Section I. The organization shall be known as the


Section 2. The purpose of the Club is to promote the education, preservation and restoration of all vehicles, especially Classic Chevrolets. This is accomplished by the club showing and displaying their cars at a variety of events such as car shows, parades, displays and other venues and through the exchange and interaction with other members, interested individuals and the general public.


Section I. The elected officers of the club shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Secretary and Treasurer may be combined into one office at the will of the membership. Said officers shall hold office for two years from the date of their installation.

Section 2. The election of officers shall be held every other year in November. All members of the club in attendance, and in good standing at the November meeting shall be eligible to vote. The installation of officers will take place in December and the new officer’s official terms shall start on January 1 of the following year.

Section 3. The office of President and Vice President will run for 2 years each in the same office. These offices will be voted on every two years and may run with unlimited terms. The offices of Treasurer and Secretary shall be voted on every 2 years with unlimited terms.

Section 4. -The Officers of the club shall compose the Board of Directors.



Section 1. President: Shall preside at all meetings, act as official host at all affairs, and appoint committees, committee chairpersons, and other ad hoc positions as necessary. The President shall require an annual audit and report of the Treasurer’s books and prior to the installation of new officers. The President shall have the authority to make discretionary

expenditures of club funds not to exceed an annual total of $500.00 without the membership’s advance approval. The President must contact the Club Treasurer in advance of making any monetary distributions to assure that funds are available, and the President must make the club membership aware of the expenditure at the next scheduled business meeting.

Section 2. Vice-President: Shall preside in the absence of the President at Club Meetings functions and Shows. In the event the President vacates the office for any reason, the Vice-President will automatically fill that vacancy for the remainder of that term. The Vice President shall be responsible for the Club’s newsletter. The Vice President may appoint additional personnel as required to create and distribute the newsletter including the newsletter Editor position.

Section 3. Secretary: Shall handle all official correspondence for the club. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings. The Secretary shall be responsible for the club’s web site. A Webmaster may be appointed and will be responsible to the Secretary. The Webmaster shall be responsible for all web site maintenance and updates. The Webmaster may also appoint additional personnel to handle web functions such as the Club’s web scrapbook, member’s car pictures, security, etc.

Section 4. Treasurer. Collect and distribute all funds as necessary. Prepare financial statements in June and December each year and present a financial report at each meeting. Collect all dues payable and maintain an up-to-date roster or list of members in good standing. The Treasurer will also assure disbursement of funds only as approved by the club’s budget or by a majority vote of the members at a club meeting. All checks will require the signature of the treasurer or the President.


Section 1. Club membership is open to everyone. The Club does not discriminate based on race, creed, color, sex or national origin. Ownership of a Classic Chevrolet is not required but is encouraged.

Section 2. Dues must accompany new membership applications for the current year.

Section 3. Members are expected to participate in meetings, shows, clinics and other club sponsored activities to the best of their ability.

Section 4. Changes to the amount of dues may be voted on at any time but is limited to one change per calendar year.

Membership dues are due annually and Payable on or before the October meeting through December 31st. Effective January 1st unpaid members will be in arrears and a $10.00 late fee will be added to the current year dues. If you were a member in the previous year and did not pay by December 31st and you wish to remain in good standing the $10.00 late fee will apply until the following October meeting. If the current dues along with the late fee are not received by January 31st your name will be removed from the roster. If you wish to rejoin the club at any time after January 31st your name will be added back to the roster at the time of payment.

New member’s dues will be the full annual amount thru June, and one half the full amount from July thru September. New members joining in October, November or December shall pay the full annual amount to be applied to the following year’s dues. Membership runs January 1st to December 31st.

Section 5. The membership of any club member may be terminated for conduct unbecoming a member of the Piedmont Classic Chevy Club. A decision by the Board of Directors is required to terminate a member for cause.

Cause is determined to be any violation of the club’s by-laws or conduct which has been or clearly will be harmful to the club.

Section 6. No Club member shall represent him/herself as an official spokesperson for the Club at any commercial, political or social gathering unless specifically appointed by the general membership to do so in writing and signed by the President.

Section 7. Any club member that may profit by supplying products or services at a club activity or to the club must receive prior approval by a majority of the Board of Directors. This approval must be in writing or electronic communication.

Section 8. Honorary Membership: Any club member can nominate someone for honorary membership. Nomination may be made at any regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Approval will require a simple majority vote at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Such membership is limited to one (1) year. Annual dues will be waived during that calendar year.

A Club member can be recommended for Honorary Lifetime Membership if said person has served the club faithfully for many years or who has contributed significantly to the Club’s objectives. The club member will retain all privileges; including voting rights and annual dues are to be waived.

Non-Members can be recommended for Honorary Membership if said person or business has contributed significantly to the club’s objectives. Honorary membership will entitle such person or business to all club privileges, excluding voting rights. Non-Member Honorary Memberships are to be reviewed annually for continued inclusion in the club’s membership rosters. There are no club dues applicable to a Non-Member Honorary Membership.

Section 9. Spouses or Domestic Partners of members become members with full privileges in the club including voting rights. Surviving spouses of a PCCC member are automatically granted an Honorary Lifetime Membership in the PCCC.

Section 10. A member in good standing shall be defined as a member whose dues are paid through the current calendar year.

Section 11. Electronic Correspondence. Any emails originating from PCCC members will not include their business association or position. The business signature block when the member is using their business email for correspondence is acceptable. In addition, any PCCC generated email is to be limited to/from “members only”. Any violation of this section will be subject to review on a case by case basis by the PCCC board.



Section 1. At least one scheduled meeting will be held each month during the year, excluding the month of December. The regular monthly meeting will be held on the fourth Monday of each month. Monthly meetings may be held at other times and days of the week provided all members are notified at least one (1) week in advance.

Section 2. A special meeting may be requested by any of the club officers with 5 days’ notice to the other Officers. The President must make every effort to notify all members of any such meeting.

Section 3. Any business brought before the membership at a business meeting of the PCCC may be approved by a simple majority affirmative vote of the active membership present. A vote of the majority shall be sufficient to elect officers, and to deal with all other items of business as may come before such meeting.

Section 4. Only members in good standing (dues paid current year) shall be eligible to vote.

Section 5. Roberts Rules of Order, as may be amended from time to time, shall govern the meetings of members insofar as such rules are not inconsistent with or in conflict with these By-laws, the Articles of Incorporation of this corporation, or the law.



Section 1. The permanent standing committees are:


-Club Historian

-Car Show

-Newsletter Editor



-Charitable Selection


Section 2. The President shall make all appointments to committees and committee chairs and have the power to appoint other committees, and ad hoc positions as necessary. Ad-hoc committees or positions will serve until the purpose of the committee is accomplished.




Section 1. Any member in good standing may make recommendations for changes to the By-Laws at any regularly scheduled meeting.

Section 2. The By-Laws Committee shall review the by-laws annually. The committee shall report to the membership whether changes are recommended or not. The By-Laws may be amended upon resolution by a meeting of the Board of Directors and one (1) member in good standing and approved by two-thirds affirmative vote of the active membership present at the first meeting immediately following the presentation of the resolution.



Section 1. In the event the Piedmont Classic Chevy Club is dissolved for any reason, the membership, or the Board of Directors currently in office shall donate all property and assets of the club to a charity as designated. No member shall derive any benefit or profit in the event the club is dissolved.


UPDATED by: Ray Bader, Chris Peedin, Natalie Hummel, Tom Doherty and David Smith BY-LAWS Committee (3/28/22) and presented to the members at a general meeting 4/25/2022 and approved by the members at a general meeting 5/23/2022